As of 1/1/19 Haugen OB/GYN is now a division of Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates, P.A.
Haugen OB/GYN merged our administrative office with four other independent OB/GYN practices January 1, 2019. Our clinic name, physicians, nurse practitioners, and clinic locations did not change.
If you contact your health plan regarding coverage you will need to ask if Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates is in network. Please do not ask if your specific provider is covered. Due to the merger, insurance companies may have our providers listed multiple times and we do not want you to receive the wrong coverage information. Again, to make it easier, if you would like to contact our Business Office at 612-333-5511 they will be happy to help answer any questions you may have.
With the merger, all five divisions remain focused on sustaining independence and believe that this independence will keep them focused on their patients and innovation. We also have very similar practices and are focused on improving patient care and finding ways to be efficient in the current healthcare environment. We look forward to continuing to remain an independently-physician owned practice and we will continue to put your care first in everything we do.